My thoughts, views, and curious contemplations. Some light, some dark. But this is me.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Finding my niche, where do I fit in all of this?

Sometimes I wonder how I ended up here. All odds seemed to be against me, but somehow I came out with a (good) head on my shoulders. But now I seem to find myself in a state of limbo. I've made great strides in becoming the person I want to be, but still find it difficult to place where I fit. My old acquaintances and what I once called friends no longer share the same views and interests as I do. Which, to be honest, they really didn't in the first place, but it was easier to ignore our differences then. Things now are so different for me, and I don't want to surround myself with certain energies and attitudes. So this leaves me starting over, as far as friendships/relationships go. Now usually, this wouldn't be a problem for me. I've always been great at meeting people, a social butterfly, if you will. But now, solid friendships are much more desired. I'm not looking for recognizable faces among parties and social gatherings that I can have a conversation with and maybe see them again, maybe not. Priorities are so much different now. Now, I'm realizing that I am much more self conscious than I let people see, even myself. I find myself intimidated by some of the people I've been getting to know. I don't consider myself an ignorant person, by any means, but am definitely uneducated in a lot of areas. I don't have a college degree, and the places I've been in life are much different than most others. I find myself envious, to an extent, of those who had some of the opportunities I was never given. And on the other hand, I find myself feeling sub par compared to my new acquaintances. The funny part about this is, most of them have never even given me the assumption that I'm being judged. I know it's my own issue, but still feel insecure about it. Some of the people I've been getting to know are amazing women who share so much of my ideals and values. But I keep my wall up because I feel inferior for some reason. This is a very new feeling for me. Everyone I surrounded myself with growing up came from the same place that I did and at the time there was that common ground. The difference was, most of them stayed in that dark place. So how does one feel comfortable in this new environment? How does one keep from feeling embarrassed when they don't have the education, fancy (at least in comparison) house, money to spend at their leisure, that new found peers may have? This is something that I have truly been struggling with. I know I can only move forward, and am so happy with my life and the person I've become and am becoming, but I long to feel like I fit. How do we let go of these feelings? How do we find comfort?